Palliser Square South

Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Parking Façade Cladding

The Palliser Square South office tower complements nearby hotels, restaurants and conference space in Calgary’s revitalized business district. Its adjoining parking garage was an existing structure in need of updating. A series of cascading metal panels give the parkade a modern refresh and the same landmark-worthy characteristics as the professional building. Straight mesh segments are attached at varying depths to create a flowing, opulent veil and undulating exterior. Holding up to the city’s harsh winters, the mesh is a relatively maintenance-free barrier that facilitates garage ventilation.

"We needed to create a façade with visual interest that was relatively maintenance-free and created a visual barrier in front of an older, monolithic precast parking structure. Cambridge’s metal fabric provided the perfect solution with an aesthetically pleasing result."

Wade Wheeler, Gibbs Gage Architects